Welcome to Crunchy Glam

Hi! Welcome to Crunchy Glam where you will find resources helping you transition to a cleaner, more sustainable lifestyle. It’s a place where we learn as we go with lots of love and grace. Why grace? Well, it gives us the strength to overcome the life experiences that got us here today.

I’m Rachel, and I have not always strived for a nontoxic lifestyle. Actually, my 20’s were filled with overindulgence. My life was consumed with excessive exercise, partying Thursday through Sunday, working multiple jobs and fueling my body with coffee, cigarettes and processed foods. I lived by the motto, “work hard, play harder.”

Whelp that motto came back to bite me. My health took a toll. I went from running half marathons to barely having the muscle strength to wash my hair at 32 years old. I felt like my body was failing me after being diagnosed with ADHD, infertility, Sjogren’s Syndrome, Lupus and Seasonal Mood Disorder. This onset of multiple maladies really scared me. It left me with two options: either take medications the rest of my life or attempt to find the root cause and heal. I didn’t necessarily believe that lifestyle changes would cure me of any diseases, but it was worth trying.

Today, in my late 30’s, I’m off all medications and my autoimmune antibodies are almost nonexistent. I resigned from my career as a youth sports executive to stay home with our three miracle babies; the babies a reproductive endocrinologist said we had only a 7% chance to conceive. Against all odds we conceived each baby naturally. How? This was possible by approaching my health from a holistic perspective; whole body wellness instead of individualized symptoms. I adopted a healthier lifestyle by introducing nutrient-dense whole foods into my diet, reducing my toxic exposure, learning to manage stress and exercising for my health. It was not that my body was failing me, but in reality, I had picked up some not-so-good daily habits that left my body depleted.

Healing has not been a linear journey, mine has been far from perfect, but I’m excited to share in hopes this space sheds light on your path to wellness. Thank you for being a part of Crunchy Glam!