Pyrex Glass

Some things in life are simply tried-and-true. Take Pyrex for example. It has proven to be effective and reliable for over 100 years from bakeware to storage containers to mixing bowls and measuring cups. Do you remember using it during your childhood?

I sure do. It’s why I listed a starter set of Pyrex on my wedding registry 10 years ago. What one of my wedding guests did next will forever be cherished. She had basic economical bake and storage containers etched with different monograms on each piece. I had never seen anything like it before. Today, these dishes are probably one of the few items that leave our home, and seem to always find their way back into the cabinet with the lid.

But aside from glammed up glass, Pyrex is my go-to for longevity. I don’t know about you, but I like my dollars stretched over years and years. My heart has always been slightly crunchy. You know the one who likes to reduce their carbon footprint, reserve and help preserve our natural resources and use less plastic to name a few of my ✌🏼characteristics.

In addition to saving money, you may have heard scientific studies linking micro plastics to environmental and health related issues. The problem is microplatics aren’t truly understood. Take a moment to check out this one of many PUBMED studies that focuses on theses hazardous chemicals on human health. It’s estimated today that you could be eating up to a credit card size worth of micro and nano plastics WEEKLY. Here’s an article from CNN with references.

So back to my glammed up Pyrex. It’s more than being fancy. It’s really about reducing my family’s toxic exposure. To me, there’s a reason Pyrex has been around for over 100 years, and I tend to stick with tried-and-true. Now notice in the graphic above I didn’t list “microwave safe,” because that’s a convo for another time. Until then look into ways you can reduce your plastic consumption like using glass food storage containers and bakeware.